039: Talking TextView with Elliott Chenger

In this episode we chat with our friend an all round amazing AndroidDev Elliott Chenger. Elliot does Android development for Under Armour and knows a thing or two about TextViews. We talk TextViews, font rendering complications in Android, performance optimizations, localization (vs internationalization), ECDC (it’s a thing!) and wind the discussion off with some design software tools out there.

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Design tools



038: What you Need to know about N

In this episode, Donn and Kaushik look at the Android N developer preview. They highlight the biggest changes that you as an Android Developer should keep an eye out for. There are tonne of features in N, so listen to this episode to get the highlights.


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035: All about Vector support on Android

In this mini Fragment we touch base on all the things you need to know about Vector drawables for Android development. How one can use it today, the recommended usage for vector drawable and formats, the limitations and everything else you need to know as an Android developer.

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Support library announcements

Animated Vector Drawable


Other references:



034: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #9

In this mini Fragment, we introduce Joshua’s ninth Item. After the last somewhat mind boggling item, this is a much welcomed simple, practical yet important one: Always override hashCode when you override equals.

Donn goes into the importance of implementing hashCode and why it’s so important to override it for maintaining harmony with the equals method. Also 42 and the answer to life ? He then goes into some tips on implementing a good hashCode and a standard recipe for the same.

Go forth and override them hashCodes!

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This episode is brought to you by Rollbar. Go to rollbar.com/fragmented to get their Bootstrap plan for free for 90 days. Stay tuned for more items from our “Effective Java for Android developers” Fragment series.
