110: BuddyBuild and CI/CD services

In this episode of Fragmented, we talk about CI, CD and CD services. That’s Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment. BuddyBuild a beloved 3rd party service of ours (and previous sponsor) is sunsetting their Android service, so Donn and KG discuss alternatives and the options they’ve been keeping an eye on.

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Differences between CI/CDs services

differences between CI/CD/CD

Options for CI Services



109: Learning Kotlin – Sequences the new Iterables

In this episode of Fragmented, we go back to learning some Kotlin and look at the Iterable like data structure introduced called “Sequences”. What is a sequence? How is it different from Iterable? When should I use it?

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Eager evaluation:

val lst = listOf(1, 2)
val lstMapped: List<Int> = lst.map { print("$it "); it * it }
print("before sum ")
val sum = lstMapped.sum()

// prints "1 2 before sum"

Lazy evaluation:

val seq = sequenceOf(1, 2)
val seqMapped: Sequence<Int> = seq.map { print("$it "); it * it }
print("before sum ")
val sum = seqMapped.sum()

// prints "before sum 1 2"

Source stackoverflow.com answer

Intermediate and terminal operations

Notice that at each chain operation, a new temporary list is created:

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val people = 
        listOf(Person("Chris Martin", 31), 
               Person("Will Champion", 32),
               Person("Jonny Buckland", 33),
               Person("Guy Berryman", 34),
               Person("Mhris Cartin", 30))

            .filter { it.age > 30 } // new temp. list
            .map {                  
                it.name.split(" ").map {it[0]}.joinToString("")
            }  // new temp. list
            .map { it.toUpperCase() }) // new temp. list

Using a sequence:

        .asSequence()  // convert to sequence
        .filter { it.age > 30 } // lazy eval (intermediate op)
        .map {                  
            it.name.split(" ").map {it[0]}.joinToString("")
        }  // lazy eval (intermediate op)
        .map { it.toUpperCase() }  // lazy eval (intermediate op)
        .toList() // terminal operation

Without a terminal operation, Sequences won’t print anything:

val seq = sequenceOf(1, 2, 3)
println(seq) // prints address
println(seq.toList()) // [1, 2, 3]

You can’t pick an index from a sequence:

println(seq[0]) // throws ERROR "No get method providing array access"
println(seq.toList()[0]) // 1



108: State of React Native for Android with Ryan Salva

In this episode Donn talks to React Native magician Ryan Salva. React native and cross-platform development is typically one of our most requested topics so we kick the new year off with React Native. Ryan and Donn dive into the state of React Native today for mobile development, how it’s matured since inception, what kinds of apps are suited to be built with React Native, what kinds aren’t, what are the benefits to using React Native, some tips like pushing updates without having to upload to the play store every time and so much more.

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Noteworthy quotes from this episode:

As developers, we are empowered to break things; it’s our god given right!


Javascript is a beautiful disaster



107: Shape shifting SVGs with Alex Lockwood

In this episode, we talk to Alex Lockwood who created shapeshifter.design, while at Google. Shape Shifter is an amazing tool that can help developers create Animated Vector Drawables without losing all their hair. Think of shapeshifter as a developer-friendly, open source, After Effects alternative for Android developers.

Alex talks to us about how and why he created Shape Shifter, the different tools that have evolved out of its creation and just getting a good grasp of its working.

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Abt Alex Lockwood

Shape Shifter


Shape Shifting & Icon animations


Thanks to Buddybuild for sponsoring this episode of Fragmented! Ship apps faster with BuddyBuild 🚀 Give them a try for free at fragmentedpodcast.com/buddybuild.


106: The Reactive Workflow Pattern with Ray Ryan

In this episode, we sit down and talk to Ray Ryan from Square about the Reactive Workflow pattern that he recently gave a talk on. This pattern goes deep into RootViews, containers, ViewFactories and much much more.


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