158: Building High Performance Audio on Android


In this show, Donn and Kaushik talk to Don Turner about how to build high-performance audio apps on Android.

We dive deep into history of audio on Android, some of the problems that the platform faced. Then look into the tools that we now have to solve those problems so that developers like you can build killer audio apps.



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157: Effective Java Item# 20 – Prefer interfaces to abstract classes


In this episode, Donn talks about Item #20 in the Effective Java book (third series) by Joshua Bloch. He discusses why you should think about using interfaces over abstract classes, how they can add mixin like behavior to retrofit existing classes with new behavior, default methods, skeleton implementations and more.


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156: Increase App Engagement with Android Q


With the release of Android Q we now have the settings panel and all its glory. This panel, while most likely overlooked as a minor feature, is actually a diamond in the rough.


Simply because it’s going to lower the abandonment rate of your app and increase the engagement of your app at the same time. Donn talks about this in depth in this episode.



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155: Naming conventions for RxJava Observables


The Android community has come to use Rx pretty heavily but surprisingly there hasn’t been any one convention that’s won, when it comes to how we name our functions that return Observables. getUser(), user(), userUpdates() ? In this mini-episode dutifully does the yak-shaving for you and discusses what some options are and what the community has been gravitating towards.



Upday’s convention:


// option 1
fun getUser(): Single<User>
// yuck

// option 2
fun user(): Observable<User>
// but what does this mean?

// option 3
fun user(): Single<User>
fun userUpdates(): Observable<User>
// or
fun userStream(): Observable<User>
// this is looking good

// option 4 (upday style)
fun userOnce(): Single<User>
fun userStream(): Observable<User>
fun userOnceAndStream(): Observable<User>

Stay tuned for a future episode, where we discuss more details and more complicated cases to handle (like emitting a list of user, policies for fetching the first user as quickly as possible etc.).

Also #FinishNotation.

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154: Developer Growth: Start Writing


Growing as a developer is important for you, your career and your future. One of the best ways to grow your career is to start writing.

Donn recommends starting a blog or contributing to a blog. The process of writing will expose your weak points in your comprehension of a topic. Refining your communication skills through writing and putting thoughts out into the universe via a blog will broaden your skills as a developer.

Ultimately, writing is about communication and communication is the cornerstone of success in much of anything. In this episode, Donn walks you through why you should start writing to help you grow as a developer.


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