148: Evolving Android architectures (Part 1)

In this episode, Donn and Kaushik talk about the state of android architectures and how they’ve stared to evolve. Kaushik recently worked on a project of coming up with an evolved version of an MVVM architecture, very similar to what the Android community now calls MVI.

Special request: if you have follow up questions or clarifications or things you’d like to see specifically with respect to this dicussion, hit us up on the Discord #fragmented-podcast channel with your thoughts and we’ll make sure to address them in future parts!



Salient features of the pattern:

I. Screens are driven by a single ViewModel

II. Screens listen to a single Observable exposed from the ViewModel

III. Events are sent into the VM through a single function processInputs

IV. Break(ing) the Chain VI. Testing strategy


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145: Tracking Network Requests With x-Request-ID

In this short fragment, Kaushik explains how you can trace network requests from your app by adding a special header. Easily trace an HTTP request all the way from a client to your backend web process.



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144: Developer Productivity Tools

In this episode, Donn and Kaushik talk about productivity tools for developers. As developers, what are some additional tools and utilities that really up your game. If you wanted to see how they tweak their development environments and workstations in general, this is a good episode to listen. Also introducing a Fragmented Discord Chat server!



Productivity tools

Keyboard Maestro

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143: Real world testing thoughts

In this mini fragment, Donn and Kaushik share some thoughts on real world testing with Android development – a favorite topic of theirs.

Kaushik recently ran into a case where an espresso test fails because the UI stops performing. It’s an interesting discussion on figuring out what matters when you write your tests. They dive into strategies and techniques around testing. What makes a good test, what should you be testing?

They then talk about why Hermetic testing is pretty hard on mobile and ideas around a simple solution that could be provided out of the box. They then round it up talking about TDD and it’s role in today’s world.

Hope you enjoy this one!



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142: Indie development on Android and iOS with Matt Logan

In this episode, we talk to our friend Matt Logan. Matt took some time off and worked on an indie app called Sessions. He built this for both Android and iOS. In this episode we talk to him about his experience building apps on both platforms, techniques, advice and other good stuff.



