In this decompress episode, Donn and KG talk about how their 2019 went. It goes from Dagger talk to Kotlin talk to Kotlin Conf talk. Give it a listen and enjoy!
In this decompress episode, Donn and KG talk about how their 2019 went. It goes from Dagger talk to Kotlin talk to Kotlin Conf talk. Give it a listen and enjoy!
In this episode, Kaushik tries to talk through this question.
How do you know what to test when you don’t even know how to write the code that you need to test? This is a paradox that many developers find themselves in daily.
In this episode Donn talks about his strategy for dealing with unknowns in programming, namely around testing and how to figure out how to write tests for new code that might be difficult, unfamiliar or even legacy code.
App Modularization has plenty of benefits and a lot of Android devs today are starting to modularize their android app.
A common problem though that most folks will start to run into is – how do you manage your database objects in these modules? do you create a single module with all your database dependencies (modularize by layer), do you do the right thing and modularize by feature so each module has it’s own database file etc.?
In this episode Kaushik grapples with that question and tries to come up with an answer.
In the world of Functional programming where pure functions don’t encourage side-effects, how does on actually do any IO?
So in this brave new world where everyone is adopting more FP principles, do we just stop doing database operations? Listen to this episode to find out.
In this episode of Fragmented, Donn talks about when it’s appropriate to comment your code.
Donn then dives into the types of code comments, when you might want to comment vs when you might not want to (depending upon your consumer) and then gets into how he decides to comment his code with a simple two-step process.
In this episode of Fragmented, Kaush breaks down how he begins creating and writing technical talks, using a talk he’s about to give at the Mobilization Conference.
As Android developers we know Java and now Kotlin. But to become even more seasoned developers, learning newer languages can be a level booster.
The list can go on and on, especially if you’ve been in the industry awhile. So, when does it make sense for you to learn a new language?
When should you learn a new language? When does it make sense? How do you do it?
In this episode KG and Donn discuss the merits of learning new languages, what new languages they’ve picked up and how they feel its important for them and their careers as developers.
How do you know if some code is over-engineered?
What does that even look like?
How do you know if you’re over-engineering the code that you’re writing?
What if you recently started at a new company, how do you know if the code you’re working with is over-engineered?
In this episode, Kaushik and Donn go back and forth on this topic …
Kotlin isn’t a magic bullet that prevents NullPointerExceptions.
Not at all.
What Kotlin does do is force you to think about how you want to handle your nulls. through Kotlin forcing you to think this through, the hope is that you’ll avoid NullPointerExceptions. The only problem is, Kotlin has the !! operator, also known as the “Not Null Assertion Operator”. This operator basically says “Hey Kotlin, trust me, I’m a pro, I know what I’m doing … I KNOW THIS WON’T BE NULL”.
This… is a code smell.
In this episode, Donn walks through why Kotlin’s Not Null Assertion Operator (!!) is a code smell and what you can do to alleviate it.