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In this episode, discover how Dan Rusu’s pods4k Immutable Arrays library can deliver 2–8× speed boosts and 5× lower memory usage in Kotlin/Android apps. We first revisit the fundamentals of autoboxing/unboxing and immutability to understand their impact on performance. Then we hear from Dan himself on his library, motiviations for building it, how the benchmarks were calculated and much much more. Our grand finale episode for 2024. Hope you enjoy it!

Full Shownotes at https://fragmentedpodcast.com/episodes/254.


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In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #15 of the Effective Java series – Minimize Mutability. You’ll learn what mutable and immutable objects are, how and why immutability is a good thing and how you can implement it.


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In this episode, we talk to our good friend and immutability champ Ryan Harter. We start off talking about the benefits and disadvantages of immutability, then we dive into Value types and the subtle difference with Value types. Finally we close out by talking about AutoValue and how you can extend it using the super nifty auto-value extension system for functionality like Parcelability, Json parsing etc.