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In this episode, Donn and Kaushik talk about 5 new-ish Kotlin constructs that you might not be aware of.


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In this decompress episode, Donn and KG talk about how their 2019 went. It goes from Dagger talk to Kotlin talk to Kotlin Conf talk. Give it a listen and enjoy!

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Kotlin isn’t a magic bullet that prevents NullPointerExceptions.

Not at all.

What Kotlin does do is force you to think about how you want to handle your nulls. through Kotlin forcing you to think this through, the hope is that you’ll avoid NullPointerExceptions. The only problem is, Kotlin has the !! operator, also known as the “Not Null Assertion Operator”. This operator basically says “Hey Kotlin, trust me, I’m a pro, I know what I’m doing … I KNOW THIS WON’T BE NULL”.

This… is a code smell.

In this episode, Donn walks through why Kotlin’s Not Null Assertion Operator (!!) is a code smell and what you can do to alleviate it.

Download directly One question that Kaushik and I get all the time is this … I’m starting to learn how to build Android apps, which language should I learn? Kotlin or Java? In this episode Donn answers this question and gives valid points on why both languages are valid options and why you might want to consider one over the other. He provides caveats to why you might want to use one language over another and some of the trade offs of Java and Kotlin and how they operate together.

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Another Learning Kotlin episode. We talk about Returns, Jumps & Labels!

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In this quick fragment, Kaushik talks about the new Kotlin 1.3 experimental feature “inline classes” and how it helps with Type driven design.


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In this mini fragment, Donn asks KG about a recent hackathon side project that he worked on with Kotlin scripting.

We go into kotlin scripting (using kscript), pros cons, setting it up and more. We’ve added links some interesting resources, so you want to make sure you check out the shownotes for this one, so you too can explore kotlin scripting and see if it’s a fit for you.

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In this fragment episode, Donn talks about Kotlin extension functions. He discusses what they are, how to build them, why they’re useful, how to organize them, visibility and how to call them Java and much more.

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In this episode of learning kotlin, we look at the typealias keyword. The typealias keyword allows you to provide alternate names for existing types and and function types. Learn how, why and when you can use it in this episode

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In this episode of Fragmented, we wrap up another 2 part series. We dive into the details of the Arrow library with this one. Arrow is a library in Kotlin that helps bring many of the functional paradigms of programming to your daily development. We talk to the team about how it all started, the history of the library, why we even need arrow, how Arrow is structured, some of the pitfalls, and in the end some resources on getting us started with Arrow.