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In this episode we talk to Ty Smith about all things Developer Platform. Currently a tech lead at Uber, Ty has quite the illustrious career having worked on some of the biggest names you’ve heard like Uber, Twitter(Fabric), Evernote, Zagat etc.

Unlike regular client app development, Developer Platform spans a variety of interesting topics like building consumable SDKs, building libraries with good APIs, creating Android integrations and App to app communication via components like Content Providers, AIDL Integrations, Intent APIS and deep links.

We ask Ty how he got started in this field, how one should go about thinking about it and the interesting challenges that one would run across in this intriguing field.


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This is the special Google I/O 2015 episode. In this episode – Kaushik makes the trek to Google I/O and chats with various Android developers about their favorite part of Google IO. I was not able to make it but Kaushik was able to interview of top developers in the industry and I’ll tell you what – this is a great episode – I really wish I was there to join him. I know he had a great time chatting and interacting with everyone. We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoyed creating it.