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Kaushik decides to hit record on a skype call he has with friend of the show Jesse Wilson. They start off by discussing building features across different platforms today. Jesse talks about a clever mechanism of using javascript to change logic on the fly across the Square cash app, that’s worked out pretty well. They then go on to discussing how one can try and converge across platforms in terms of business logic, architecture, naming etc. They then wind it down by discussing the state of Flutter, Kotlin multiplatform and reaching the promised land.



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Everyone loves Retrofit & okHttp. But how did they come about? Why ok? What was the need for such libraries? We went knocking on the doors of Square trying to find the answers to these question. We were lucky cause we found probably the nicest most brilliant Android/Java developer of our times – our good friend Jesse Wilson and without surprise, he crushes it!

He gives us the scoop on the origin stories of these amazing libraries and also gives us insight into okio and why it’s such a game changer today.

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In Part 2 of our Google IO special we continue asking some simple questions to the best AndroidDev today. This concludes our IO special for this year. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

By popular demand we added some extra specials at the very end so make sure to listen all the way through :)