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    Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast


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    In this episode, Donn continues his talks about Kotlin Lambda Expressions. He explains how you can use lambda expressions as function parameters and as return types for functions.

    This is a very dense episode – if you get lost look at the code snippets below or view on them on

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    Donn sits down with Buffer Android Lead, Joe Birch. Joe is a GDE for Android, Google Actions, Flutter and Google Pay. In this episode Donn and Joe talk about Clean Architecture, what it is, and why you might want to use it.

    They break down the concept of what Clean Architecture is in a manner that is easy for even a beginner to understand.


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    Kaushik decides to hit record on a skype call he has with friend of the show Jesse Wilson. They start off by discussing building features across different platforms today. Jesse talks about a clever mechanism of using javascript to change logic on the fly across the Square cash app, that’s worked out pretty well. They then go on to discussing how one can try and converge across platforms in terms of business logic, architecture, naming etc. They then wind it down by discussing the state of Flutter, Kotlin multiplatform and reaching the promised land.


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    In this episode, Donn talks about Kotlin Lambda Expressions. He explains the syntax and how to build a couple of simple lambda expressions with and without type inference and declaration. We wrap up with a small example of passing a small lambda with multiple values to a function. See the show notes below for more info. This is part 1 of a multi-part series on Lambda Expressions in Kotlin.

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    In this episode, you’ll learn all about Kotlin Sealed classes. Donn walks you through what they are, how to create them, how to use data classes, objects and regular classes to create a restricted type hierarchy.

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    In this episode, Donn talks to Matt Runo about the Flank project. Using Flank you can run your Espresso test suite in parallel on Firebase Test Lab (FTL). This allows you to lower your feedback loop time and increase developer productivity and throughput. You’ll learn all about Flank, how it works and how to get started in this episode.

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    In this show, Donn talks with Dan Jarvis about Machine Learning on Android with ML Kit and Tensor flow.

    They dive deep into what ML (Machine Learning) is, what you need to know as a developer and how to apply those things to build ML applications on Android.

    They tal about what you can do on Android in regards to ML, model training and running the models on the device. You may be wondering if you should include the model in your app or if it should live on a server, that’s discused as well and the reasons for it.

    They wrap up the show with some examples of what you could build and some great resources to get you started.


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    With the release of Android Q we now have the settings panel and all its glory. This panel, while most likely overlooked as a minor feature, is actually a diamond in the rough.


    Simply because it’s going to lower the abandonment rate of your app and increase the engagement of your app at the same time. Donn talks about this in depth in this episode.


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    In this show, Donn and Kaushik talk to Cameron Ketcham and Connie Shi from the Android Material Components team at Google.

    The Android Material Components are material designed components that you can easily drop into your application with just a few small tweaks. You get a bunch of fully built out material components, from the Android Material team at Google. From Chips, to Cards, to Buttons and much much more … the goal is to enable you to build your application faster when using these components.

    Donn and Kaushik talk to Cameraon and Connie about the components and how to use them in this episode.


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