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    Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast


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    In this episode Donn and Kaushik recommend 10 books on Software programming that they think every Android developer would greatly benefit from reading. These are books that helped them become better programmers and have had the most impact in their daily lives as Android developers.

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    Have you ever thought about building VR (Virtual Reality) apps? Where do you start? How difficult is it? How similar is to Android development? Do you still code in Java? In this episode, Etienne Caron AndroidDev extraordinaire and expert VR hobbyist gets us up to speed on what you need to know, to start creating VR apps.

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    In this episode, Donn sits down with fellow Android GDE, Michael Bailey to cover 10 testing strategies to help you get your application under test and to make sure your testing environment is top notch. They start off with the basics and then progress further down the testing rabbit hole eventually covering topics like cloud-based testing labs, hermetic testing and much much more. This episode will help provide you with a blueprint of how to get your Android app under test and get you to a level where you can develop your app with confidence.

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    Today on Fragmented, we talk to Eyal Lezmy. Eyal works as an Android developer for Genymotion. While working for Genymotion he had to deal with the Android Debug Bridge a whole bunch, so in this episode we dive into the details of ADB, some super slick commands and in general just get a better understanding of this tool we use every single day.

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    In this episode Kaushik talks to Kristin of the Big Nerd Ranch. You would think that the Android lifecycle is pretty standard and basic stuff, but as Kristin begins to unpack the nuances of the Android lifecycle, we learn there’s a world of details that’s easy to miss. Listen on, to get an ironclad grip on the Activity lifecycle.

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    In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #15 of the Effective Java series – Minimize Mutability. You’ll learn what mutable and immutable objects are, how and why immutability is a good thing and how you can implement it.

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    It’s almost a given these days that most phones will have Fingerprint APIs. But how does the hardware actually work? How does the Software work? How does an Android developer make use of these APIs? Ben Oberkfell breaks it down for us in great detail. Listen on!

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    In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #14 of the Effective Java series – In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields. You’ll learn why it’s important to use accessors in your public classes and some caveats to this rule.

    For example, you may decide that the class is a private inner class or package private. Donn digs into the details in this week’s episode. This is a glimpse of what’s to come in Item #15, which is coming soon…

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    In this episode, we talk to Android developer Andrew Orobator. He gives us the lowdown on the new feature App Shortcuts that was introduced in Android. We talk about static and dynamic shortcuts, use cases for other shortcuts and how to implement them for your app. We also cover what the feature lacks and things to watch out for, while implementing them. Listen on!

    Fragmented also has spanking new music from the super talented Blueprint: you can find out more at

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    In this episode we change the tune and talk with Raveesh Bhalla; Raveesh is a GDE for design specialized in UI/UX.

    He starts off by helping us get a good understanding of what UI/UX involves. He then shares his experiences and learnings from having conducted extensive research specifically for Android. What are some good patterns today, what are anti-patterns, what should we watch out for. Listen on to find out more!

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