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This is the special Google I/O 2015 episode. In this episode – Kaushik makes the trek to Google I/O and chats with various Android developers about their favorite part of Google IO. I was not able to make it but Kaushik was able to interview of top developers in the industry and I’ll tell you what – this is a great episode – I really wish I was there to join him. I know he had a great time chatting and interacting with everyone. We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoyed creating it.

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In this episode, we talk to Philip Simpson, one of the rockstar developers of the amazing Pocket Casts Android Application. We learn about how Philip and his partner, Russell, started Shifty Jelly and how they grew their team from a two-person shop to a small staff all while creating one of top apps on Google Play, Pocket Casts. We also talk about some of the tools, tips and tricks that they’ve used to help them scale, grow and become more effective as indie app developers. We eventually hop into some deep talk about audio software and all kinds of tech in general. If you’ve always wondered what it takes to be an indie app developer then this is the episode for you – Philip does not let us down.

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In the final part of this two-part segment, we continue our talk with Jake Wharton. We dive right into the topic of testing. Jake then talks about his approach to testing apps in Android and the different languages that he finds interesting. We then move on to RxJava, NotRxAndroid, SqlBrite and many other libraries and topics to round out this great second episode. Again, we’d love to thank Jake for joining us here on the Fragmented Podcast show; it has been an honor. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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In part one of this two-part segment, we talk to the one and only Jake Wharton. He gives us the scoop on how he operates day to day, what he looks for in a good Android developer and how to become a better Android developer. He also touches upon the various sources and non-Java platforms that he draws inspiration from. Finally, he talks about open source and gives tips on leading an open source project.

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In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik start off by discussing the tips and tricks available for efficiently loading images in an Android app. Good image libraries make use of these techniques and perform all the heavy lifting in the background. So they then discuss the different image library options available for Android developers.

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Rx Mascot

In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik continue their conversation with Dan Lew on RxJava. In the final part of this 2 part series, they talk about many useful RxJava operators and other intricacies of using RxJava in Android.

Download directly In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik interview Dan Lew – druid of RxJava & RxAndroid! In part 1 of this 2 part series, we find out more about the one they call Dan Lew. We ask Dan how he started off as a developer, how he stays on top of development, where he draws inspiration from for amazing Android development and much more. We then begin disarming the glorious beast that is RxJava touching upon it’s benefits and begin discussion of some common operators.
Download directly In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik talk about the official IDE for Android development – “Android Studio”. Why should you care about your IDE? Is Android Studio really open source? What are some of the advantages of using Android Studio? How can you customize and tweak Android Studio so you take your android development game to the next level? Listen to this episode and find out.
Download directly Welcome to the very first episode of Fragmented. Donn and Kaushik talk about why they started the podcast, the structure of the podcast and a little about who they are. The main topic for this episode is Testing! What are the benefits of testing, in general? Why does testing specifically help Android developers? What is the state of testing in Android and how does one test in Android?