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In this episode, Donn and Kaushik talk to long-time friend Dan Lew about his recent career switch from Android developer to TypeScript/Node.js/Progressive Web App Developer (and more).

It’s an interesting discussion that covers …

  • Why Dan decided to leave the Android world
  • The challenges he faced when he moved from one tech stack to another
  • How to prepare for a big change like this (mentally, financially, etc.)
  • How to create the life you want live vi by identifying what’s important to you
  • and much more …


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In this episode, Donn talks about the tips and tricks he’s used over the last 20 years of consulting, freelancing and working full time to find jobs and new opporftunities. We’re hoping some of these tips help those affected by the recent tech layoffs.

These are tips that Donn still uses to this day. They work wonders to help you land a job quickly when you do them.

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In this episode Donn sits down and talks to Ephraim Schmitt about how he changed careers from being an exotic car salesman to a mobile software developer. It’s a fascinating and inspiring story for anyone looking to get into software development. 

We talk about the mental and financial struggles, how he learned to start coding, how you can find opportunities everywhere, how to interview better, where to look for positions when you’re just starting out, why volunteering/doing something for free early on is fast way to open doors and build your network and so much more.

If you or anyone you know is looking to break into the software industry, this is the podcast for you. You’ll leave with a couple  pages of notes, tips and the inspiration you need to jump into the world of software development.


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In this episode, Donn talks about the three things that every developer needs to know how to do.

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In this episode, Donn answers a listener’s question. The listener wanted to know how to choose what to learn next in Tech.

Donn provides 6 tips (actually 7 if you count a hidden one) on how to pick what technology to learn next. He provides a simple framework that will help you check whether you should pursue a particular technology or not.

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In this episode, Donn talks with Philipp Lackner about growing an online presence within the Software Industry with Instagram and YouTube.

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In this episode Donn talks about why you need to learn React (or Flutter) – so you can truly understand the Unidirectional data flow pattern in a framework that was built for that purpose alone.

Working with other frameworks which bolt on a custom unidirectional data flow is often hard to understand. When you work with React and learn how it works, the concept of Unidirectional data flow starts to make much more sense as that is the default way to implement UI’s in technologies like React (and Flutter).

This exposes you to the pattern and helps you understand it. In turn, this will help you become a better developer.