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In this episode, Donn and Kaushik talk to long-time friend Dan Lew about his recent career switch from Android developer to TypeScript/Node.js/Progressive Web App Developer (and more).

It’s an interesting discussion that covers …

  • Why Dan decided to leave the Android world
  • The challenges he faced when he moved from one tech stack to another
  • How to prepare for a big change like this (mentally, financially, etc.)
  • How to create the life you want live vi by identifying what’s important to you
  • and much more …


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Friend of the show Dan Lew makes a return! In this show Kaushik talks to Dan about translating an app for other languages.

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In Part 2 of our Google IO special we continue asking some simple questions to the best AndroidDev today. This concludes our IO special for this year. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

By popular demand we added some extra specials at the very end so make sure to listen all the way through :)


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This is the special Google I/O 2015 episode. In this episode – Kaushik makes the trek to Google I/O and chats with various Android developers about their favorite part of Google IO. I was not able to make it but Kaushik was able to interview of top developers in the industry and I’ll tell you what – this is a great episode – I really wish I was there to join him. I know he had a great time chatting and interacting with everyone. We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoyed creating it.

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Rx Mascot

In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik continue their conversation with Dan Lew on RxJava. In the final part of this 2 part series, they talk about many useful RxJava operators and other intricacies of using RxJava in Android.

Download directly In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik interview Dan Lew – druid of RxJava & RxAndroid! In part 1 of this 2 part series, we find out more about the one they call Dan Lew. We ask Dan how he started off as a developer, how he stays on top of development, where he draws inspiration from for amazing Android development and much more. We then begin disarming the glorious beast that is RxJava touching upon it’s benefits and begin discussion of some common operators.