Download directly Kaushik is back in this weeks podcast. 🎉 Donn and Kaushik talk about testing RxJava streams with a Kotlin extension method and how and when to test various scenarios. Donn talks about his thoughts on the Testing Pyramid and why he thinks it’s incorrect and how you can help shift your thinking in regards to it. They then talk about IDE themes and how the theme can help you with your day to day development and more.

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The Android community has come to use Rx pretty heavily but surprisingly there hasn’t been any one convention that’s won, when it comes to how we name our functions that return Observables. getUser(), user(), userUpdates() ? In this mini-episode dutifully does the yak-shaving for you and discusses what some options are and what the community has been gravitating towards.



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In this short fragment episode, Donn explains how you can clean up your RxJava 2 streams and ensure no memory leaks are occurring by using the AutoDispose library from Uber.


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In this episode, we sit down and talk to Ray Ryan from Square about the Reactive Workflow pattern that he recently gave a talk on. This pattern goes deep into RootViews, containers, ViewFactories and much much more.

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In this episode of Fragmented, our friend and RxJava paragon of the Android – Dan Lew, returns for a record 3 and 1/2 time.

We’ve been using RxJava over the years now and have even talked to Dan about it in previous episodes.

How has our understanding of Rx use in Android changed over the years? We know some of the super standard usecases for RxJava in AndroidDev. But the important question to be asking is: when are the times we “shouldn’t” be using RxJava? Are we over-complicating our code by shoe-horning it in different places. Concepts like functional programming and reactive state management have picked up steam again, how has this influenced our RxJava use?

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RxJava is considered a functional reactive programming library. But the paradigms of functional programming have existed for a very long time. In this episode we talk to Android GDE Anup Cowkur, about his experience experimenting with “pure” functional languages. He breaks down some of the basic concepts, explaining the different terms along the way.


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The age old question: should I be using an event bus today? What is an event bus? what are still some good use cases for an event bus? Can i replace an event bus with RxJava?

Donn and Kaushik have at it and try to answer this question that gets asked constantly in the AndroidDev circles. Listen on for our take.

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We have Jake Wharton and RxJava in one episode ?. In this power-packed episode we talk to Jake about the advances in RxJava 1.x since the last time he was on the show and also looking ahead at the advancements coming down with RxJava 2. If you’re interested in RxJava, this episode will definitely be a treat!


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In this episode – Donn and Kaushik dive into a topic that is very near and dear their hearts – application architecture. They talk about how Martin Fowler has inspired a lot of their architectural decisions and how they’re moving towards defining what a clean architecture means to them and other developers. They talk about Model View Presenter, Model View Controller and many other topics that surround these two common patterns. Take a listen and go for the ride on architecture train … all aboard!

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In the final part of this two-part segment, we continue our talk with Jake Wharton. We dive right into the topic of testing. Jake then talks about his approach to testing apps in Android and the different languages that he finds interesting. We then move on to RxJava, NotRxAndroid, SqlBrite and many other libraries and topics to round out this great second episode. Again, we’d love to thank Jake for joining us here on the Fragmented Podcast show; it has been an honor. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.