091 : Decompress – Reddit AMA highlights, package by feature not layer and testing!

In this decompress episode, DF and KG kick it off with a brief discussion of the highlights from the recent reddit AMA that the Android Engineering folk conducted. What were the interesting things they learnt or were surprised by etc.? They then go on to briefly discuss two topics they’ve always chatted about (off-air) packaging by feature (not layer) and most recent thoughts on testing. Listen on to find out more:

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360 | AnDev

AMA Reddit

Package by feature not layer



090: Make your apps instant with Zarah Dominguez

At I/O ’16 Google announced the super cool new feature Instant Apps. At IO’17 we started to see real world examples and third parties pull off this feature. In this episode, we talk to GDE Zarah Dominguez who’s company “Domain” was one of the partners for this program.

What is the Instant Apps feature? What are some usecases where this comes in handy? How does it actually work internally? What does it take for a developer to implement this feature in their own app? Listen on to find out!

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089: Learning Kotlin – Properties a first class language feature

In this mini Fragment, KG talks about his journey learning Kotlin as a newb. Given that Kotlin is most likely going to be the de-facto language for most developers, it makes sense to deepen our understanding of the language (as we have strived with Java over the years).

“Properties” in Kotlin are a first class language feature. But what does that actually mean? What are the nifty features we get with properties? How are these resolved from a Java class when there’s potential a name clash? What are some other gotchas and learnings from using properties? Listen on to find out:

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088: Offensive programming with Piwai from Square

In this episode of Fragmented we talk to our friend Piwai from Square.

Piwai’s a pro at testing and breaking apps (he built LeakCanary – so not terribly unexpected). He teaches us some strategies on debugging app crashes and briefs us on this concept he calls “offensive programming” which has helped him a lot with his Android development.

It’s good stuff and we hope you enjoy the show.

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Py’s libraries:

Misc resources:

Pending touches and UI event:
