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    Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast


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    In this episode of Fragmented, we talk about CI, CD and CD services. That’s Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment. BuddyBuild a beloved 3rd party service of ours (and previous sponsor) is sunsetting their Android service, so Donn and KG discuss alternatives and the options they’ve been keeping an eye on.

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    In this episode of Fragmented, we go back to learning some Kotlin and look at the Iterable like data structure introduced called “Sequences”. What is a sequence? How is it different from Iterable? When should I use it?

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    In this episode Donn talks to React Native magician Ryan Salva. React native and cross-platform development is typically one of our most requested topics so we kick the new year off with React Native. Ryan and Donn dive into the state of React Native today for mobile development, how it’s matured since inception, what kinds of apps are suited to be built with React Native, what kinds aren’t, what are the benefits to using React Native, some tips like pushing updates without having to upload to the play store every time and so much more.

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    In this episode, we talk to Alex Lockwood who created, while at Google. Shape Shifter is an amazing tool that can help developers create Animated Vector Drawables without losing all their hair. Think of shapeshifter as a developer-friendly, open source, After Effects alternative for Android developers.

    Alex talks to us about how and why he created Shape Shifter, the different tools that have evolved out of its creation and just getting a good grasp of its working.

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    In this episode, we sit down and talk to Ray Ryan from Square about the Reactive Workflow pattern that he recently gave a talk on. This pattern goes deep into RootViews, containers, ViewFactories and much much more.

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    In this episode, we talk to Jake Wharton of Google on a recent Kotlin coding style guide that they released: the Android Kotlin Guides. In this episode, we pick his brains and ask him how he structured the guide, how he partitioned it to fit some of the idiosyncrasies of Kotlin, what some of the challenges were, when coming up with the guide and much more.

    Jake’s one of the best out there and it’s always such a pleasure to have him on the show.

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    In this episode of Fragmented, Donn makes the pilgrimage to Microsoft Connect 2017. Connect is Microsoft’s annual developer conference where they announce a bunch of new products and services.

    Donn got to interview a bunch of folks, and in this episode, we talk to two of them: Miguel De Icaza (leading open source proponent who also helped create Gnome, Mono, Xamarin etc.) and Simina Pasat (Program manager for Microsoft’s very new CI like service AppLink). Both of them were terrific guests and had quite a few gems to share, for us Android devs!

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    In this episode of Fragmented, we talk to Hannes Dorfmann about using the Model View Intent (MVI) pattern for Android. The MVI pattern was sparked through cycle.js (for javascript). Hannes took this pattern and tried to adapt it to Android. This pattern has gained a lot of traction and interest in the Android community.

    In this episode, he breaks down the pattern for us. He tells us how to implement it, how it helps with testing, the benefits of the pattern and some of the pitfalls. Recording this episode was riveting for us and we dive into some juicy technical details. Listen on!

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    In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and I decompress. I had the pleasure of attending KotlinConf 2017 – Jetbrain’s very first conference dealing completely just on Kotlin. I have a quick chat after Day 1 with Donn, giving him the juicy updates.

    We talk about how the conference was organized, some of the technical talks I attended (our thoughts on these…) and some of the folks I had the opportunity to meet.

    Overall it was an amazing time at KotlinConf and if you want to vicariously enjoy it, listen on to the show.

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    Another day, another opportunity to learn more Kotlin. In this episode, Kaushik walks through the concept of visibility modifiers. How do the modifiers in Kotlin differ from the ones in Java? What is this new internal modifier? When should I use each of the operators?

    Listen on to find out!

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