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    Fragmented | #androiddev Podcast


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    This is the 100th episode of Fragmented. We do things a little differently for our 100th episode and field a bunch of listener questions that came in. We’re going a little meta and talking about our experience starting Fragmented, our process, how we pick guests and topics, our setups, our favorite Android libraries and classes (?!).

    Thank you so much for being a listener. We cannot express how grateful we are to have you.

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    In this episode, Donn talks about Item #17 from the Effective Java book: Design and Document for inheritance or else prohibit it. Learn how you should be documenting your code that is built for inheritance when you should not call overridable methods and much more.

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    In this episode, Donn is at Droidcon NYC 2017. He sits down to chat with Dan Kim about Kotlin, Gabriel Peal about React Native, Scott Alexander-Bown about Android Security, Jose Alcérreca about the Android Architecture Blueprints and Kevin Galligan about the history of Droidcon NYC and his new library – Doppl.

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    In this episode, Florina returns to talk to us about Google’s recently announced paging library!

    The paging library is a powerful take on implementing paging functionality in general, not necessarily linked to a particular technology or library. Florina breaks down the different components and explains what specific function each of them play.

    We start off with DataSources, talk about when one would want to use “Tiled” or “Keyed” data sources, and then talk about making them work with RecyclerViews (which is really what 99% of us eventually want). Florina also explains the role of PagedLists, PagedListAdapters and so much more.

    If you ever wanted to get an overarching view of Google’s first take on implementing the paging library, this is a great starting point. Listen on so you can understand, try it out and then give feedback to Google, to participate in the making of this new library.

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    In this episode, Romain Guy from Google gives us the lowdown on a bunch of Hardware related stuff.

    He starts off by explaining how the refresh rates on screens matter, what it would mean to have something like a 120Hz display for Android screens, how things like V-Sync and double buffering work, using different screen technologies, how much work is done by the CPU and GPU and so much more.

    This was one of those episodes where we tried so hard to hold back for fear of recording for another 2 more hours. Romain is clearly one of the most knowledgable and interesting engineers to talk to today in the hardware land of Android. What a blast!

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    In this episode, we talk to Florina from Google about the recently released Database library Room. Room was introduced as part of the Android Architecture components and has been picking up a lot of steam in the community.

    Room focuses on being a beautiful api layer to Sqlite. Florina explains to us how we can use Room to create a database, creating entities and how they map to tables using DAOs to access data and even “observe” them. Listen on for more of the details!

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    In this episode of Fragmented, Donn talks about a common problem almost all software engineers face in their career – Design Patternitis.

    So, you’ve read the books on design patterns and now you’re applying them everywhere. Just because some code can be put into a pattern doesn’t mean you should. Or should you? How can you apply them when needed? Donn shares 5 tips with you that you can use to help combat Design Patternitis.

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    In this episode of Fragmented, our friend and RxJava paragon of the Android – Dan Lew, returns for a record 3 and 1/2 time.

    We’ve been using RxJava over the years now and have even talked to Dan about it in previous episodes.

    How has our understanding of Rx use in Android changed over the years? We know some of the super standard usecases for RxJava in AndroidDev. But the important question to be asking is: when are the times we “shouldn’t” be using RxJava? Are we over-complicating our code by shoe-horning it in different places. Concepts like functional programming and reactive state management have picked up steam again, how has this influenced our RxJava use?

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    In this second episode of our learning Kotlin series, we talk about Kotlin’s support for static members or … lack thereof. Kotlin as a language was designed so that there’s no such thing as a “static member” in a class but there are times when having static members can be useful.

    So what do we do in those cases? do we just avoid static members? are there better alternatives? what are the costs with some of these approaches?

    Listen on to find out more!

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    In this decompress episode, DF and KG kick it off with a brief discussion of the highlights from the recent reddit AMA that the Android Engineering folk conducted. What were the interesting things they learnt or were surprised by etc.? They then go on to briefly discuss two topics they’ve always chatted about (off-air) packaging by feature (not layer) and most recent thoughts on testing. Listen on to find out more:

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