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In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #16 of the Effective Java series – Favor Composition over Inheritance. You’ll learn why using inheritance is not always a great idea and how you can use composition in place of it to make your code more anti-fragile, resilient and clean.

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In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Working Effectively with Legacy Code. He doesn’t just talk about the book itself, but he talks about how to approach a legacy code base and start delivering value as soon as possible, yet with confidence. If you’ve recently started a new job, moved to a new team, started working on an existing code base, then this episode is bound to help you.

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In this episode, we talk to Dan Kim about Kotlin. Dan is an Android developer at the company Basecamp and has some great Kotlin posts on the company’s famous blog Signal Vs Noise. He was pretty early, on the Kotlin train and has been working with the new language for quite sometime now.

Instead of trying to go into every single detail about Kotlin, the nuances of the language, it’s syntax etc. we take a more general approach and talk about starting out on Kotlin, how does on go about migrating an Android codebase to Kotlin, what are things we should watch out for when using the language. This and a whole lot more!

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This was truly one of the most memorable IOs Google has ever conducted. In keeping with tradition, Donn and Kaushik talk with a bunch of awesome #AndroidDev and get their opinions/thoughts on IO and Android in general. As always, these are super fun episodes.

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RxJava is considered a functional reactive programming library. But the paradigms of functional programming have existed for a very long time. In this episode we talk to Android GDE Anup Cowkur, about his experience experimenting with “pure” functional languages. He breaks down some of the basic concepts, explaining the different terms along the way.

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It’s pretty awesome, when you use a third party library, love using it and finally get to talk to the person who actually helped build it. In this episode, we talk to Gabriel Peal. Besides having quite the illustrious career in Android development, Gabriel now works at Airbnb and helped build Lottie – an animation library.

What is Lottie, how do you use Lottie? why is so Lottie so cool? how does it actually work under the hood? Listen to this episode and find out.

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It is the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Google’s answer to that is the Android Things. In this episode, we talk to the amazing Rebecca Franks. She explains how Android things works and talks of some of the adventures and examples she’s embarked on with Android Things. If you’ve had that hobby Raspberry Pi or Arduino board lying around and not sure how to put it to use, this episode’s for you.

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In this episode Donn and Kaushik recommend 10 books on Software programming that they think every Android developer would greatly benefit from reading. These are books that helped them become better programmers and have had the most impact in their daily lives as Android developers.

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Have you ever thought about building VR (Virtual Reality) apps? Where do you start? How difficult is it? How similar is to Android development? Do you still code in Java? In this episode, Etienne Caron AndroidDev extraordinaire and expert VR hobbyist gets us up to speed on what you need to know, to start creating VR apps.

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In this episode, Donn sits down with fellow Android GDE, Michael Bailey to cover 10 testing strategies to help you get your application under test and to make sure your testing environment is top notch. They start off with the basics and then progress further down the testing rabbit hole eventually covering topics like cloud-based testing labs, hermetic testing and much much more. This episode will help provide you with a blueprint of how to get your Android app under test and get you to a level where you can develop your app with confidence.