075: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #15: Minimize Mutability

In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #15 of the Effective Java series – Minimize Mutability. You’ll learn what mutable and immutable objects are, how and why immutability is a good thing and how you can implement it. Download Show Notes Ryan Harter’s Intro to AutoValue Caster.IO Course on AutoValue Effective Java Book Sponsor … Continue reading 075: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #15: Minimize Mutability

073: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #14: In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields

In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #14 of the Effective Java series – In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields. You’ll learn why it’s important to use accessors in your public classes and some caveats to this rule. For example, you may decide that the class is a private inner class … Continue reading 073: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #14: In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields

063: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #13: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members

In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #13 of the Effective Java series – Minimize the accessibility of classes and members. You’ll learn why it’s important to limit the access on your public API, how it can help you with development and performance. You’ll also learn how changing a public API can affect the … Continue reading 063: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #13: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members

062: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #12: Consider Implementing Comparable

In this mini-Fragment episode, Donn talks about Item #12 of the Effective Java series – Consider Implementing Comparable. You’ll learn about how you can use the Comparable interface to give your code the extra sorting boost it needs. Work with Arrays.sort(), Collections utilities and even sorted data structures. Donn breaks down what it takes to … Continue reading 062: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #12: Consider Implementing Comparable

058: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #11: Override clone Judiciously

In this mini-Fragment, Donn talks about Item #11 of the Effective Java series – Override clone Judiciously. You’ll learn about the extralinguistic behavior of clone and the Cloneable interface. Clone and Cloneable are very special, and this episode helps explain the nuances. Download directly Show Notes Object#clone Effective Java Book Contact @fragmentedcast [twitter.com] @donnfelker [twitter.com] … Continue reading 058: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #11: Override clone Judiciously