046: okJesse – A deep discussion on okHttp, okio and Retrofit

Everyone loves Retrofit & okHttp. But how did they come about? Why ok? What was the need for such libraries? We went knocking on the doors of Square trying to find the answers to these question. We were lucky cause we found probably the nicest most brilliant Android/Java developer of our times – our good friend Jesse Wilson and without surprise, he crushes it!

He gives us the scoop on the origin stories of these amazing libraries and also gives us insight into okio and why it’s such a game changer today.

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Retrofit github throwback




045: Bluetooth (LE) with Dave (devunwired) Smith

We’ve always been curious about technology and the software surrounding embedded devices and the like. One such technology that’s ubiquitous these days is Bluetooth (LE). In this show we talk with embedded technology expert and all round super smart AndroidDev Dave Smith a.k.a the wonderful devunwired.

We try to get a high level understanding of how Bluetooth works. From a developer’s perspective, how does this tech work? Why should we as AndroidDevs be interested in this technology. What boundaries can we push? How can we effectively use this technology? In this episode we pick Dave’s brain and try to answer some of these questions.

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Dave’s talks on Bluetooth

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044 – Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #10

In this mini-Fragment, Donn talks about Item #10 of the Effective Java series – Always Override toString. You’ll learn why it’s important for your own sanity, future developers, and overall developer happiness.

This episode is sponsored by Hired.com.

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043: Google IO 2016 (Part 2)

In Part 2 of our Google IO special we continue asking some simple questions to the best AndroidDev today. This concludes our IO special for this year. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

By popular demand we added some extra specials at the very end so make sure to listen all the way through :)

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