061: The state of event bus(es) today

The age old question: should I be using an event bus today? What is an event bus? what are still some good use cases for an event bus? Can i replace an event bus with RxJava?

Donn and Kaushik have at it and try to answer this question that gets asked constantly in the AndroidDev circles. Listen on for our take.

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What’s an event bus





060: Smoke and Mirror Android UI tricks with Israel

We talk with Android UI magician Israel. In this episode, Israel does what magicians are never supposed to do, reveal those exciting magic tricks. He talks about tricks you can use in your Android apps to create a super slick UI, citing examples from Google Photos, Twitter and other apps.

Dazzle your Android users with these UI tricks.

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Smoke and Mirros



059: Chiu-Ki Chan explains Mocking and Stubbing with Mockito

We talk with the all-star multi-talented GDE Chiu-Ki Chan about testing. Specifically, we dive into leveraging Mockito for your testing needs. What is Mocking, what is Stubbing, what are the different test doubles, how does mockito help with this? Listen on to find about that and some more interesting stuff on testing!

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About Chiu-Ki:

fake SharedPreferences implementations from AOSP

Different kinds of Test doubles

  • Know your test doubles [testing.googleblog.com]
  • [Test Doubles: Mocks, Stubs, and More](https://www.objc.io/issues/15-testing/mocking-stubbing/ http://www.javaworld.com/article/2074508/core-java/mocks-and-stubs—understanding-test-doubles-with-mockito.html) [objc.io]
  • Mocks aren’t Stubs [martinfowler.com]




058: Effective Java for Android Developers – Item #11: Override clone Judiciously

In this mini-Fragment, Donn talks about Item #11 of the Effective Java series – Override clone Judiciously. You’ll learn about the extralinguistic behavior of clone and the Cloneable interface. Clone and Cloneable are very special, and this episode helps explain the nuances.

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