101: Learning Kotlin – visibility modifiers, internal modifier, modules

Another day, another opportunity to learn more Kotlin. In this episode, Kaushik walks through the concept of visibility modifiers. How do the modifiers in Kotlin differ from the ones in Java? What is this new internal modifier? When should I use each of the operators?

Listen on to find out!

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  • Excellent resource explaining visibility modifiers in Kotlin

    open class Outer {
        private val a = 1
        protected open val b = 2
        internal val c = 3
        val d = 4  // public by default
        protected class Nested {
            public val e: Int = 5
    class Subclass : Outer() {
        // a is not visible
        // b, c and d are visible
        // Nested and e are visible
        override val b = 5   // 'b' is protected
    class Unrelated(o: Outer) {
        // o.a, o.b are not visible
        // o.c and o.d are visible (same module)
        // Outer.Nested is not visible, and Nested::e is not visible either 

100: Episode 100 Listener questions

This is the 100th episode of Fragmented. We do things a little differently for our 100th episode and field a bunch of listener questions that came in. We’re going a little meta and talking about our experience starting Fragmented, our process, how we pick guests and topics, our setups, our favorite Android libraries and classes (?!).

Thank you so much for being a listener. We cannot express how grateful we are to have you.

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Android Resources

.. and many many more

Favorite class and libs




099: Effective Java – Item #17: Design and Document for Inheritance or Else Prohibit It

In this episode, Donn talks about Item #17 from the Effective Java book: Design and Document for inheritance or else prohibit it. Learn how you should be documenting your code that is built for inheritance when you should not call overridable methods and much more.

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098 : Droidcon NYC 2017 – Kotlin, React Native, Android Security, Design Patterns and Doppl

In this episode, Donn is at Droidcon NYC 2017. He sits down to chat with Dan Kim about Kotlin, Gabriel Peal about React Native, Scott Alexander-Bown about Android Security, Jose Alcérreca about the Android Architecture Blueprints and Kevin Galligan about the history of Droidcon NYC and his new library – Doppl.


  • 2:07 – Dan Kim (Kotlin)
  • 10:07 – Gabriel Peal (React Native)
  • 23:43 – Scott Alexander-Bown (Android Security)
  • 33:32 – Jose Alcérreca (Android Architecture Blueprints)
  • 43:09 – Kevin Galligan (Droidcon & Doppl)

Show Links


  • BuddyBuild – fragmentedpodcast.com/buddybuild
