125: GraphQL and Apollo with GDE Mike Nakhimovich (Part 1)

In this episode, we talk about GraphQL. Friend and GDE Mike Nakhimovich helped create the library Apollo for Android, which is the defacto official GraphQL client for Android.

In this first part of two, we take a step back and first try to understand what GraphQL is, why one would use it, how Mike set out to create and contribute Apollo for Android and his journey and satisfaction with open sourcing it when he worked at the New York Times.

If you’ve ever been interested in GraphQL, this is a good show to get you up to speed.

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Show notes

Sample GraphQL servers



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124: IO 2018 first impressions with Android Dialogs & Pocket Casts team

In this episode of Fragmented, Kaushik talks to Chiuki & Huyen from Android Dialogs and Russell & Philip from Pocket Casts. Fresh after IO we huddled in a room to talk about our first impressions and what we thought were some of the highlights for us Android developers. Hope you enjoy the show! (if you want to see a behind the scenes crossover special, make sure to subscribe to Android Dialogs!)

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Show Notes

Android Dialogs

Pocket Casts

io2018 stuff


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123: Android Micro Frustrations

With good –most of the time– also comes the bad. In this episode, Kaushik and Donn chat about the small annoying things about being an Android developer, or more aptly – “Micro Frustrations”.

We usually cover the new, latest, greatest and awesome developments. But it helps to step back and also point out the things that are broken and the 1000 cuts so to speak.

Sit back and enjoy this hearty rant!

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layout complaints

Navigation & System bar frustrations:

If you’re looking for a solution to just hide system bar (and not the navigation bar), here’s what Kaushik landed up using (you’re welcome):

fun Window.makeStatusBarTransparent(activity: Activity) {
    sdkUpto(20) {
        setWindowFlag(activity, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS, true) 
    sdk(21) {
        setWindowFlag(activity, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS, false)

private fun setWindowFlag(activity: Activity, bits: Int, on: Boolean) {
    val win = activity.window
    val winParams = win.attributes
    if (on) {
        winParams.flags = winParams.flags or bits
    } else {
        winParams.flags = winParams.flags and bits.inv()
    win.attributes = winParams

private fun Window.setTranslucentStatusBarLollipop() {
    statusBarColor = Color.TRANSPARENT


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