022: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 5

In this mini Fragment, we introduce Joshua’s fifth Item: Avoid creating unnecessary objects. Stay tuned for more items from our “Effective Java for Android developers” Fragment series. Download Show Notes Effective Java (2nd Edition) – Joshua Bloch Avoid creating unnecessary objects Google says – Avoiding creating unnecessary objects too! Episode 10 with Michael Bailey – … Continue reading 022: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 5

019: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 4

Singer and Android developer Donn Felker explores Joshua Bloch’s fourth Item: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor. Stay tuned, cause we got more of these quick ones coming. Download Show Notes: Effective Java (2nd Edition) – Joshua Bloch Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor. Examples where you don’t want class to be instantiated class that … Continue reading 019: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 4

018: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 3

In this mini Fragment, we introduce Joshua’s third Item: Enforce the Singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type. Stay tuned for more items from our “Effective Java for Android developers” Fragment series. Download Show Notes: Effective Java (2nd Edition) – Joshua Bloch Enforce the Singleton property with a private constructor or an … Continue reading 018: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 3

016: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 2

In our third Fragment installment, we introduce Josh’s second Item: Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters. Stay tuned for more items from our “Effective Java for Android developers” Fragment series. Download Show Notes Effective Java (2nd Edition) – Joshua Bloch Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters Telescoping Constructor Pattern … Continue reading 016: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 2

014: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 1

We’ve mentioned the book “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch quite a few times on previous episodes. At this point, everyone knows they should have read this book (quadruple times). But it’s a dense read and everyone could use a reading buddy. Also, what does Effective Java look like through the eyes of an Android developer? … Continue reading 014: Effective Java for Android developers : Item 1