130: Sunsetting ReactNative at Airbnb with Gabriel Peal – Part 2

In this episode, we resume our conversation with Airbnb’s Gabriel Peal. If you haven’t listened to part 1, you really really should go back and do that. In that episode, we kicked it off by first trying to understand the goals and the story behind why React Native was chosen as the code sharing technology/tool.

After two years, 220 screens, and 120,000 lines of javascript, Gabriel tells us why they’re moving away from React Native.

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129: Sunsetting ReactNative at Airbnb with Gabriel Peal – Part 1

If you haven’t heard, Airbnb has decided to move away from React Native. Friend of the show Gabriel Peal wrote an in-depth series of blog posts about this. We had so many questions around this that we asked him to come on the show and he graciously accepted to answer some of our questions.

It’s always a pleasure listening to his insights and this episode is no exception!

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  • Bitrise – Bitrise is your mobile continuous integration and delivery for your whole team, with dozens of integrations for your favorite services.


082: Airbnb’s Gabriel tells us how to animate with Lottie

It’s pretty awesome, when you use a third party library, love using it and finally get to talk to the person who actually helped build it. In this episode, we talk to Gabriel Peal. Besides having quite the illustrious career in Android development, Gabriel now works at Airbnb and helped build Lottie – an animation library.

What is Lottie, how do you use Lottie? why is so Lottie so cool? how does it actually work under the hood? Listen to this episode and find out.

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