201: State of the Testing Union with Valera Zakharov


In episode 1 of Fragmented we talked about Testing. 200 episodes in, we decided it’s a good time to do a state of the union for mobile testing. We talk with Valera Zakharov who’s a Staff Engineer at Slack and considered one of the experts in the field of mobile testing. Hope you enjoy this one!



143: Real world testing thoughts

In this mini fragment, Donn and Kaushik share some thoughts on real world testing with Android development – a favorite topic of theirs.

Kaushik recently ran into a case where an espresso test fails because the UI stops performing. It’s an interesting discussion on figuring out what matters when you write your tests. They dive into strategies and techniques around testing. What makes a good test, what should you be testing?

They then talk about why Hermetic testing is pretty hard on mobile and ideas around a simple solution that could be provided out of the box. They then round it up talking about TDD and it’s role in today’s world.

Hope you enjoy this one!



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137: Decompress KISS DRY Testing

In this episode, DF and KG decompress. They start off talking about ideas around KISS vs DRY in software engineering. They move on then to talk about a dear topic – functional vs unit testing and then dive into some of the woes of having a testing infrastructure spun up. Also announcing our youtube channel!


