003: The RxJava show with Dan Lew (Part 1)

Rx Mascot

In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik interview Dan Lew – druid of RxJava & RxAndroid! In part 1 of this 2 part series, we find out more about the one they call Dan Lew. We ask Dan how he started off as a developer, how he stays on top of development, where he draws inspiration from for amazing Android development and much more. We then begin disarming the glorious beast that is RxJava touching upon it’s benefits and begin discussion of some common operators.


Dan’s open source contributions:

Staying on top of Android Development:

Dan’s  favorite apps:

Android Games that Dan plays

Working Remotely:

Getting started with  RxJava:


001: Welcome & Testing in Android

Welcome to the very first episode of Fragmented. Donn and Kaushik talk about why they started the podcast, the structure of the podcast and a little about who they are. The main topic for this episode is Testing! What are the benefits of testing, in general? Why does testing specifically help Android developers? What is the state of testing in Android and how does one test in Android?


Show Notes/Links

Testing Links


Sample Android Testing Projects:

Awesome picks:


Donn Felker

Kaushik Gopal

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